My New Look!

Starting today, you'll begin seeing a refreshing update to Bloxay branding.

By Bloxay, 11 July 2024

Today I'm introducing a new look across Bloxay social media profiles and sites. You'll see updated branding across the Bloxay YouTube channel, Bloxay's Server on Discord, as well as all sites. The new look features one of my favourite fonts, Pacifico, as well as a gradient background which has the same colours as the ones in my first ever YouTube logo from 2020.

I've also made improvements to how Bloxay Sites look and feel, with an improved Home page on, as well as updated logos and favicons for all Bloxay Sites, including, Bloxay Community, and Bloxay Answers.

As the Bloxay YouTube channel grows towards 100,000 total channel views, as well as my other profiles and sites expanding, a more uniformed design was were needed, as my old branding became quickly out of date. This new feel is designed to last a long time, well into the future. It's simple yet unique enough for you to be able to recognize it's Bloxay. It's not tied to a specific experience, or even a specific platform, which allows for expansion if wanted.

Thank you for exploring my new look, and for supporting me as I slowly grow on YouTube and other platforms. It means the world to me. Here's to another 100K and beyond!