Find out the horrific story about how Linus Tech Tips made two people commit suicide.


The heart-breaking story of how Linus Tech Tips drove two people to suicide

Via The Bloxay Blog Published 17/08/2023 • 12 minute read

Warning: This post contains references to depression, suicide, and contains images and references to people who are dead.

This post may not be suitable for those under 13, and those experiencing mental health issues. Viewer guidance is recommended.

YouTubers are meant to be kind and welcoming people that create content for everyone to enjoy, but in 2018, Linus from Linus Tech Tips on YouTube made a serious mistake, eventually resulting in two people ending their life. This blog post will go into the shocking story of how Linus Tech Tips drove two people to suicide.

On the 9th of March, 2018, Linus Tech Tips would upload a video titled "NCIX Bankruptcy Auction - Day 2 FINALE", where towards the end of the video - around the nine minute mark - Linus has an interaction with the family that bought the NCIX YouTube play button.

Linus initially seems to be angry that he didn't get the play button, and says he'll buy the plaque off the father and son. The father and son initially decline the offer to sell the newly acquired plaque, yet after Linus complains and pulls the 'do you know who I am' move, the son agrees to give the plaque over for the original price that they paid for it.

Walking on the way to get the play button, Linus and the son continue talking, and the son reveals that he owns a YouTube channel with one million subscribers, called Mindchop. Following this, Linus decides to change his mind and calls off the deal, saying that the son can keep the plaque.

"Well you know what, actually, if you don't have one... I have two, I have one for Linus Tech Tips, I have one for Techquickie, I was here to buy this out of sentimental value, but you know what, honestly you could rebadge this really easily, you know what dude, massive shoutout, he was going to do it but I tell you what, take it, enjoy it, it's the OG plaque which is the one you should have, and it's a lot nicer than the newer one, which you probably know, so okay."

Linus then continues the video and says he's "disappointed" that he couldn't get the plaque, yet says the son deserves the plaque, and hopes that "it'll mean something to them". He then closes the video with a product sponsor segment.


In reaction to the video, some viewers described Linus' behaviour as "arrogant and disrespectful". Others said that the son was in the wrong for taking the plaque, and called them out for possibly purchasing the Mindchop channel. Many viewers rushed over to the Mindchop channel to leave hateful comments. Some even left borderline abusive comments on the video, harassing the creator.

In response to the hate that the son was getting, Linus tweeted stating the "rediculous abuse needs to end".

"Frankly I'm a little disappointed in some members of our community. @TheMindChop earned his play button same as anyone and was completely willing to let me buy the NCIX one. This ridiculous abuse NEEDS to END. Go delete your comments please. - LS"

Yet the hate didn't end. In a Reddit post created by the father of the son, he outlines how his son stopped making videos and fell into a deep depression. He says that Linus' toxic fans continued to harass him.

After months of abuse and harassment from commenters, the son ended his own life in August of 2021. Following that, the fathers wife couldn't continue having any Christmases without the son, and ended their life just before Christmas of 2021.

The father continues by saying how he is alone, and has nothing left, and by saying how they hate Linus, and states that Linus built his empire destroying the lives of others. He wonders why people idolize him. They end the post by saying Linus is a monster.

"You destroyed my life

My son built a tiny YouTube channel named "MindChop" years ago. Due to legal issues with his MCN, he was not able to get a Silver Play button. I brought him to the NCIX bankruptcy auction to buy one with the hopes of engraving it with his channel name.

We bought it from the auction fair and square, yet you demanded we hand it over to you. We said no, and you got your fans to harass my son and flooded his channel with dislikes and hateful comments.

He stopped making videos, fell into a deep depression. He wasn't good with school, he was always bullied, but found love in making videos.

He expressed a desire in making more videos, I encouraged him to continue. We hoped your toxic fans would finally leave us alone. I created this Reddit account for him to use in the future. He posted another video last year after a long hiatus, but your fans still continued to harass him.

He ended his life in August. My wife couldn't bear to have anymore Christmases without our some and she ended her life just before Christmas.

I am alone now. I have nothing left.

I hate you Linus Sebastian. You built your empire destroying the lives of others. I do not know why people idolize you.

You are a monster."

Following the post, Linus himself replied to the post with a personal statement. He described how his son was a really kind person, and how he offered to sell the play button for what he paid. He said how he respected anyone who could build the kind of following he did, and said how it's not easy. He continues by saying how he would hate for the father to think he has anything but respect for their son and what they accomplished. He ends by saying how it would be best to lock the thread since there are comments that aren't respectful to the situation.

"Your son seemed like a really kind person.

Even though he won the auction fair and square, he offered to sell the play button to me for what he paid. I was so moved by his generosity that I called off the deal because I felt he should have it due to the unfair situation with his former MCN. I'm deeply saddend to hear about his passing.

I respect anyone who can build the kind of following he did on YouTube. It's not easy, and I would never send anyone to harass one of my fellow creators. This behaviour from some viewers was brought to my attention in the hours after our video went public, and I made a statement specifically condemning the behavior and calling out what a great guy your son was.

I was very emotional when I first approached you guys about the plaque. It held a lot of sentimental value for me. As I said before, in just a few minutes with your son I was so impressed by his graciousness that I no longer wanted to buy it because I felt he should have it instead - I said this in my video and it's what I still believe.

I would hate for you to think I have anything but respect for your son and everything he accomplished. I feel it would be best to lock this thread since there are already some comments that I don't feel are being respectful to you and your situation.


This story outlines how just saying the wrong words and leaving the wrong content inside of a video can severely impact those inside of the video. Linus made a severe mistake by calling out the sons YouTube channel, and acting disappointed when he didn't get the play button, and it lead to the death of two innocent people. Ultimately, Linus and the Linus Tech Tips channel continued onwards without any further issues, and the father will truly be the one paying the price here, as they have to keep living even when their family ended.


Some will make the argument that it's not Linus' fault, yet Linus decided to not only leave the content in the video although he could've edited it out, and Linus only made small comments calling out the behaviour.

Others will say that a part that comes with being a YouTube creator is experiencing hate, and managing it correctly, and that the channel owner could've turned off likes and comments, yet at the end of the day, the channel owner was just a kid, and didn't deserve any of the hate he got.

This story will forever be haunting as it shows the impact that a large creator can have. An army of disrespectful people flooded the comment section of videos, plus spammed the dislike button on many videos. It should be a lesson to all large creators to not send, or even imply hate to other people in any way, as it could result in consequences that you couldn't possibly think of.

This story was created by and for The Bloxay Blog, all rights reserved. If you or anyone you know are experiencing thoughts of suicide, there is help out there, and you can be happy. Thank you for reading.