
Significant Update to Discord and Roblox Friends

Via The Bloxay Blog Published 25/10/2022 • 3 minute read

Good Afternoon Discord and Roblox friends,

It is a given fact that while my YouTube channel grows more and more people are requesting that I add them on Discord and/or Roblox. In the previous months of this year there has been a lot of issues revolving around my choices to add people as Discord and Roblox friends. Without a doubt these issues have arisen because of my incorrect choice to accept the friend requests of many disruptive or otherwise untrustworthy people. Whilst there are exceptions, I believe that its important to avoid drama in most cases and continue keeping this community safe and secure.

Starting today, I will no longer be accepting/adding Discord friends that I do not have a close relationship with, whether its being an in-real-life friend or close online friend. This is significant because it means that I will no longer be accepting/adding fans, community members or general online friends. In addition to this, I will be removing all friends that are a part of the above groups and will only be adding in-real-life friends, close online friends, and key community figures (such as users I have commissioned for art).

In regards to Roblox on the other hand, I will only be adding in-real-life friends, close online friends, and key community figures. I cannot and will not add anyone that does not meet those guidelines. I will however be accepting/adding people that purchase multiple pieces of my merchandise or donate a significant enough amount.

Lastly, I'd like to express that this choice is being made entirely by myself. Whilst there has been significant drama in the past, this choice is not related to that. There was a minor DM attack towards me by a one-time group which mainly started the thought of this choice. Also, if you have any questions or concerns over this choice you can contact me via a support ticket in the community Discord server.

Thank you,