Web Design

November 5 Huge Website Update

Via The Bloxay Blog Published 5/11/2022 • 4 minute read

Hello everyone!

A new massive website update has just been published to Bloxay.com with four key features and a huge amount of changes. This update is so exciting because of the great contents inside and we can't wait to show you. Continue reading below to learn more about this update!

New and updated website colour theme and major text changes!

The first and overall biggest change to Bloxay.com is the massive update to the website colour theme. Instead of a calm blue, you'll now see a fiery orange-and-yellow hot flame theme. This better matches with the overall brand of Bloxay and offers a more unique atheistically pleasing design for all users. In addition to this, titles will now appear in a money-like green colour to overall make them pop out more to users instead of the standard, generic, and often boring colours. Finally, there have been some much needed changes to better the standard of every page on Bloxay.com, whether it be removing old features or improving text visibility. Check it out now, site-wide!

New Explore page with ExploreMiniView sections!

Another great new introduction is the Explore page. This page allows users to discover, learn and overall explore Bloxay.com, and Bloxay's other social media platforms. The most exciting part of Explore is the latest feature we're adding to Bloxay.com - ExploreMiniView. As the name suggests, it allows you to explore a mini view of a page before actually clicking on it. ExploreMiniView also has tags which we'll talk about more later on. This allows users to easy find new content before actually clicking, saving so much time. The Explore page and ExploreMiniView are in Beta, so you can expect some changes to happen later on. This also isn't the last time you'll be seeing ExploreMiniView, so stay tuned. Check out the Explore page here!

New tag system and tag pages!

An awesome new addition is a post tag system and tag pages allowing for both an easy way to identify the content you want to see as well as an easy place to view more. Seamlessly transition from pages to tags with a great new tag system and then discover posts similar to the one you are viewing with this exciting new system. This system is in Beta so expect frequent updates and changes in the coming months. Check out tags.

Site Profile changes and updates!

Site Profiles have received a minor update too. We've decided to remove the Featured Page section and we're fully rolling out Linked Profiles. These two changes majorly upgrade Profiles to be even better than before and improve the overall enjoyability of Profiles. Check out the changes here.

Important URL changes!

We've made some important URL changes that overall better improve the site. We reorganised categories, menu sections, page locations and more to make URLs better, cleaner and clearer.

Those are the major changes in this update! Stay tuned for more soon! Thank you everyone!