
Bloxay's 2022 End of Year Message

Via The Bloxay Blog Published 20/12/2022 • 7 minute read

Hello everyone, and happy holidays! 2022 has been a crazy, awesome, fantastic, brilliant, and overall rollercoaster of fun. In this special blog post, I'll be talking about my personal experiences this year, and the important things that I discovered and learnt. I'll also be generally recapping on the most important community events that happened this year.

Before we properly begin though, I'd like to give a huge thank you to all my supporters, whether you are just a subscriber or you donate, thank you so much for making 2022 awesome. I'll get more into detail about this later, but I hit 1,000 subscribers this year, which has been a goal for me for a very long time, so thank you. Above all though, I'd like to give a special thanks to MeNotAesthetical, BrickStrange, D34K1N, SinPlayz and Xqjfk. Thanks for making 2022 a great year!

First up, my channel grew like crazy this year. I'm so shocked and excited that this year my channel managed to reach 1,000 subscribers, 20,000 total channel views, and 900+ watch hours from just 75 videos. I couldn't be more grateful for achieving such wonderful growth this year, given the fact that I took a pretty lengthy break from content because of personal issues and my internet being terrible. The fact that over 20,000 people saw my videos and decided to watch it is astonishing, and the fact that over 1,000 people have chosen to subscribe after seeing one of my videos is insane. I can't stress how much it means to me, and in 2023 one of my big goals is to take YouTube a lot more seriously in terms of uploads, so I'll be trying to upload a lot in 2023.

My digital community spaces were more popular than ever. Online platforms like Discord and Twitter continue to grow at a shocking rate, and as such my communities on those platforms have also been growing, with awesome new members consisting of fans, subscribers, donators, and even some Roblox users with tens of millions of visits. This has further grown my mission for these communities to create a kind, fun, and overall accepting community for anyone and everyone. I achieve this goal by promoting my server on my YouTube channel frequently, advertising respectfully on dedicated advertisement servers, having amazing and professional Staff, who do a magical job at regulating spaces and ensuring everyone is enjoying themselves, and by using world-class moderation and administration tools to create barriers that automatically block notable trolls, plus give advice on how to better manually manage moderation actions. Overall, all of this makes these digital community spaces more inclusive, welcoming, united, and safe than ever before.

On July 18 I launched, this website! is a place to see my top channel uploads, view my social media accounts, shop official Bloxay Roblox merchandise, discover events, celebrate with giveaways, explore the history of Bloxay, find frequently asked questions, and so, so much more! The success I've received from this is huge, and I cannot thank you all enough for visiting my site, even if you've only visited once. With the recent announcement of BloxayGames I plan to focus and expand that site a lot, but don't expect that will result in less development updates for, I have huge things planned for, especially for around Q2 and Q3 of 2023. It'll be worth the wait, trust me! 

I had so many fun times with friends. This year in 2022, I met so many awesome new friends that improved the year so much. Overall on Discord alone, I sent over 25,000 messages to friends in 2022, which is crazy fun. I know I've probably said it heaps of times, but an extra special thank you to MeNotAesthetical, BrickStrange, D34K1N, SinPlayz, and Xqjfk for making 2022 a great year which wouldn't have been as exciting and entertaining without you. There is nothing as fun as after a long, stressful day hopping in voice chat with a bunch of friends and joking around on games like Roblox, Minecraft, and Fortnite. It's a totally different experience playing games with friends compared to by yourself, especially when they are all funny!

Old friends returned, happy or not. In 2022, I also met plenty of old friends who either returned digitally or contacted me for the first time online instead of in-person. As with anyone, some people were happy to contact me and others contacted me to be negative towards me. I welcomed back friends who made mistakes with open-arms with my personal three-chance policy, and old friends contacted me with anger. Whilst I won't say anything bad about these people, I will say that going out of your way to contact old friends about mistakes they made a lot time ago is pathetic and desperate, its sad and shows loneliness. They should know that everyone makes mistakes; it's just whether they choose to forgive and forget or attack people which truly shows what kind of a person they are.

Addressing old drama and issues. Okay, so I plan to release a more in-depth message about this in March 2023, but I would like to talk a little bit about this. In 2022, if you didn't know already, there was a large amount of drama. A lot of this was caused by a toxic troll group who continued going on alts to target me and my fans. I tried my best to prevent these attacks, and eventually talked in private with these trolls about the issue. I eventually got two out of three trolls to change their mind about the attacks, however one troll continued attacking for a long period. After multiple undercover operations, I can confirm that I have successfully dealt with this troll appropriately. I am currently unable to provide more publicly about this. In 2023, specifically in March, I plan to release the full story about everything that happened and finally put a close to this chaotic mess, so stay tuned.

On that note, we experienced 75% less attacks than in 2021. This was because of a mix of undercover operations, direct counter-attacks, systematic deletion of suspicious accounts, and world-class moderation systems mixed with state-of-the-art administration systems personally developed uniquely for Bloxay's Community Discord server. I plan to continue development of these systems in 2023 to further prevent attacks from future trolls. I thank all members of this community - on Discord or otherwise - for staying vigilant and relaxed even during attacks. They are happening less frequently, and Bloxay's Community is becoming more safe.

I set goals for 2022, and I got most of them! Over on my @Bloxay Twitter page, I created five goals for myself to achieve. I believe I did pretty well, scoring 4/5 accomplished! Let's break them down.

So, my goals for 2023. My goals for 2023 are crazy, and we'll see if I can manage to do them all, or at the very least some. As always with goals, it's important to never take them too seriously, otherwise that can lead to a toxic sense of failure. So this is just a general set of goals which I plan to accomplish in the year of 2023. I'll also list the difficulty of which I think each goal is.

Of course, I have a ton more goals, but I'm keeping those private since they can trigger some people (the internet is a weird place).

Well, that's about it for now. I know I've said this so many times, but THANK YOU for everything that made 2022 awesome! Also, thanks for reading this long blog post. 💙
