3 years ago, the Bloxay YouTube channel was created!


3 Years of my Bloxay YouTube channel and stories about it

Via The Bloxay Blog Published 29/05/2023 • 15 minute read

This post was originally written on May 27 2AM-5AM and May 29 7AM-11AM. Sorry if there is any incorrect spelling or grammar, let me know in my Discord server!


Hey everyone, today on the 29th of May, my YouTube channel turns 3! I originally planned to make this a video, but I realised thats not really the best place compared to here!

Putting 3 years of your life into any project is a big deal... at least for me. When I first started the Bloxay YouTube channel, I had no idea if it would actually succeed. I had just created it after two unsuccessful, dead channels, and as a 12-year-old, it was obviously hard to gain any audience. I guess you could still say that I haven't succeeded, but I'm happy so far with the growth of my channel. Over 1,000 subscribers (~1,600 at the time of writing this), 31,000+ views, and 100+ videos and streams is awesome. It's mind boggling to me the scale of it all. I know this is just the tiniest of a slither of the web and YouTube, and I know that there is much more I could have right now, but its still shocking to me that over 31,000 people have decided to watch my content out of all of the other options. It's spectacular. When I actually sit and think about it, it's crazy thinking those numbers. Anyway, sorry if that all came out a bit bragger-ish, didn't mean it like that. 🙏

YouTube has always meant so, so much to me. For me, it's an escape from the real world. Not to get too dramatic here, but creating YouTube content means so much, and I wish that I could do it more. I'm forever greatful that I've made it this far in YouTube, and hope to take it even further in the coming years.


A lot of people ask me online what its like being a YouTuber. Often I don't really call myself that since its not my job yet or anything, just a hobby so far, but when I do answer sometimes, I reply that it's fun, and it is. Playing videogames and chatting with gamers who share the same interests as me, and knowing that I provide some sort of value that others watch me and my content is so great, and its really nice knowing that I have people that care about that stuff.

On the flipside however, I think something that a lot of people forget is that on the internet, covered by the fact that nobody knows your real-life identity, some people can be horrible to deal with. I get it, people do things for attention, and getting a reaction from a kid online can be satisfying to some in a sick way, but you never really think of the negative things which can happen until they happen.

About one or two years ago (I can't remember exactly and I'm not bothered enough to look it up), a group of people joined my live chat and started trolling. You can always tell the trolls from the normal viewers immediately because they either start trolling immediately or act entirely innocent while asking subtle things like 'how old are you' and stuff. Anyway, the trolls ended up joining my Discord server, and since I had my DMs open to talk to friends and fans, they send gore in my DMs. It wasn't horrific gore, but it was an obviously fake picture of someone shot and blood everywhere and stuff. I can't remember exactly, and to be truthful, I didn't really care. I knew beforehand about trolls, however nobody had actually done something to me before, although, I would say that I handled it awesomely. Instead of giving them the attention that they wanted so bad (I'm sure they were picturing me in tears sobbing because someone sent this image, all laughing in a Discord VC call), I just stayed silent, blocked them, and continued on with the stream. They got no reaction except for a small little Discord server announcement saying that I would close my DMs (which you should 100% do too). I guess I'm giving them attention now, but I don't think they're listening.

My point of saying all this isn't to get empathy or something, but its to say that no matter what you do in life, things can get tough at times. It's about getting through them which is very important. I guess you could call it a way of gamifying life. When I'm older I'll talk more about a lot of things.


WARNING: You are about to read philosophy stuff from a 15 year old. It will be stupid.

Recently I've been diving into the philosophy of nihilism, the belief that nothing in the world has meaning. I'd be lying to you if I said that I understood all of it, or even half of it. A few days ago if someone asked me about it I would've said that I subscribed to the belief of it, however, after really thinking about it for a bit, I just wouldn't anymore. Well, I guess I agree to a certain degree. I think nothing any of us do matter long-term (is anyone actually contesting to that statement?), I mean eventually the universe will die. Everything is born and everything dies. But when you are alive, and when you are on Earth, you have the choice to either accept that and die doing nothing, or accept that and still try. Turn your back to the darkness of nihilism and mortality and go out and live your best life. I'm not one to make that choice, and I have no evidence that this is the case but I believe you will live a much, much happier life if you do this. That belief may not have been the reason why I started my YouTube channel, but its the reason I keep it going. I love doing it, and if I can make just one single person happier from it, then I'm happy. My life is complete. (I understand many YouTubers say that final sentence so many times and I'm never sure they truly mean it but I know I do).


I understand my channel is tiny. According to Social Blade there are 50 thousand Australian channels with more subscribers, and 7.7 million channels with more globally. I also understand that at any time my channel could be killed instantly by THE ALGORITHM, but while I do have this awesome opportunity for a small amount of people to watch my content, I really do hope I can make their day better, even if its for five minutes, because thats what so many YouTubers have done to me.

In fact, let me give a big thank you to these following YouTubers for being awesome when I was younger. These YouTubers helped inspire me to create my own channel:

I could keep going on for ages and ages, but genuinely, I could create blog posts about each of these creators and many more. Maybe one day I will, I don't know.


That's it for this blog post. I hope it didn't derail too much. Thank you so much for three epic years and I'm hoping for many more years to come. I really wish I had something to show you all today, like a video or something. To be truthful, I'm working on a channel rebrand, and wanted to have it ready for today, but it's just not ready yet. Stay tuned for that! Anyway, have a good day!
